Hi there, If you have been following Recherché for awhile you likely know my name is Hillari and I live in the rocky mountains with my two sons. But let me give you a little sneak peak into some things that you might not know about me, because it is always fun to put a face with a name and fill out in your mind Who is making the products that you love.
- I am a 5th generation Montana Girl
- I lived in a tipi in New Mexico for a couple years when I was 19-20 while building an earthship house.
- My only children are both boys… and 10 years apart in age.
- I have been self employed since I was 19 years old.
- I didn’t appreciate or even like chocolate until I was 25 years old.
- I am very good at finding little lost things. Example: one time I found someones grandmothers lost diamond (fell from it’s setting) in a crowded bar.
- I love to read books and set goals as to how many I want to “at least” read each year.
- Cinnamon might be my favorite flavor
- I drink less than 1 cup of coffee per year, but tea, well that’s a different story.
- City or country driving, I like them both. Oh and I drive a stick shift…