Recently I’ve been on a quest for natural, safe, chemical free, zero waste beauty products, tall order I know! My face has been breaking out for the past few months, some of the worst acne I’ve ever had, and I had no idea why! In a desperate effort to clear it up I’ve been researching things that could cause breakouts and one of them was ingredients in toothpaste including fluoride and sodium lauryl sulfate. As I sat there and thought about the toxic ingredients in toothpaste, I thought about the other products I use that contain toxins. Our skin absorbs a lot more than people think, especially when we spread sunblock and lotion all over our entire body! I cut a lot of toxins out of my diet (going vegetarian) and out of my home (I only clean with baking soda, lemon and vinegar) but what about the chemicals within beauty products?! Hours into an internet search I was having a tough time finding both chemical free and zero waste products. Luckily, a brand made right here in Montana has everything I’ve been looking for!
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